Living with a Splash

We’re on Southern Cal vacation.  Woke up at 3am and started the long drive to Venice Beach.  The Boy couldn’t fall back asleep when we got in the car so he was already set to have a rough day.  Santa Monica and Venice Beach rocked!  Complete with endless chasing of birds and a proposal we just missed.  But then The Boy got cold.  At first we thought it was because he splashed in the water and there was a little chill in the wind.  But his cheeks were flushed and…yep you guessed it…he had a fever.  DH carried him nearly the entire stretch to the car.  The next day we planned Disney.  We would have to see.  And then this morning we woke up to find The Boy fever free. So….we went to Disney!  The Boy has always been terrified of rides.  Since I also share that fear (see my post about wanting to become someone who loves roller coasters) we hang out while DH and The Girl do all the crazy stuff.  But The Boy is getting older so we encouraged him to go on a ride.  It was within the acceptable ride zone for me so we went together as a family.  The Boy loved it!  Next stop was a ride with a 50ft drop and a giant splash.  I was terrified but I told myself that sometimes as a parent you do things you don’t want to do.  The feeling going up knowing what was to come next was intense and nauseating.  I let go of a torrential scream on the way down (The Girl remarked afterwards about it.)  I swore immediately that it was the absolutely last time I would ride that ride.  Once was enough.  But then, this amazing feeling overwhelmed me.  Endorphins?  It was just like after a tattoo–thrilling.  So do I now love roller coaters?  No, but I’ll go on that ride again and that’s a start.  Later The Boy’s fever returned and we’re back at the hotel room.  The rest we’ll have to see about.

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8 Responses to Living with a Splash

  1. Seana Smith says:

    Hello Jennie, unlike you I’ve been a thrill-seeker and now being wiser than once, I find fairground rides the ideal way to get that adrenalin surge I crave. But can easily see why you don’t leap on thoughtlessly, the physical sensations are so very powerful and quite unnatural. Glad to hear your son enjoyed the visit, hope he gets well very soon.

  2. Lori says:

    seriously, are we the same person in different skins???

    I really want to be the roller coaster person too, and i’m not.


    i’m sad that the boys not feeling good. that makes me sad

  3. Sounds like you’re having quite a vacation filled with fun and a little disappointment (your son’s fever). I hope the fun continues and your son starts to feel better soon!


    P.S. Thanks for linking up to the Meaningful Monday Blog Hop! 🙂

  4. momto8blog says:

    sounds fun!! roller coasters are fun!! ..enjoy the ride!

  5. Vesta Vayne says:

    Oh no, sorry to hear about the fever, but I’m so glad he’s feeling better. At least the weather has been lovely here, perfect for your trip!

    Now what I want to know is – did you guys purchase the pic they take as you make the 50 ft drop??

  6. Candice says:

    I love a good roller coaster!! But every time I get on I have to admit that I have a small (major) panic attack – I like your philosophy of trying new things as a parent! hope you guys had a blast 🙂

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